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The de-coupled SOA approach absolutely simplifies things and is a powerful approach for this reason. I don't argue against it at all, I just don't want to limit my users to this only.

The beauty of the unified approach is that it's not an all or nothing. It allows you to work in the de-coupled SOA way, as James likes. But it doesn't prevent you going the other way, where the rules and processes are tightly coupled. Or maybe somewhere in between. I want to build a tool that allows the user to chose how they want to model the behaviour of application, I don't want to straight jacket them to one solution fits all, no matter how useful it is.

Interesting blog, I agree because I think that spreadsheets are carrying the control or rather the rules of business

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  • For centuries, we've designed systems that alienate us from ourselves, from community, from the flow of life and our natural desire to do good. With the convergence of the digital and physical worlds, we live in a designed world. We can redesign it to be smarter, more efficient, and responsive to our natural lives and processes. Just as modernists called a house “a machine for living in”, so today all systems must be redesigned as machines for living.
