A growing chorus of politicians is raising concerns over the inclusion of projects that would create green collar jobs (alternative energy and transit projects) and those that would finally bring about the digitization of medical records, because they are not "shovel-ready" and so would not create jobs anytime soon. Rep. Baron Hill (Ind) argues to the Washington Post, ""If we're going to call it a stimulus package, it has to be stimulating and has to be stimulating now. I think there are members of our caucus who are trying to create a Christmas tree out of this." This is a red herring argument in the case of electronic medical records just as much as it is with regard to green collar jobs.
The design of a technical infrastructure for portable electronic medical records that includes all health care providers, consumers and researchers is as massive an undertaking as was the creation of the interstate highway system in the 50s, and will require thousands of design jobs.
The design of a technical infrastructure for portable electronic medical records is as massive an undertaking as was the creation of the interstate highway system in the 50s, and will require thousands of design jobs.
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