William McDonough, co-author of Cradle to Cradle, casts a vision for the next industrial revolution based on Cradle-to-Cradle design of all products and services as ecosystems. From a business perspective I believe a deeper understanding of multi-sided business models (central to today's technology industries) is possible when we apply them to an ecosystem-based Cradle-to-Cradle design model. Whereas multi-sided business models, exemplified by the likes of eBay and Google, are important in markets with multiple sides desiring interaction, players in the next industrial revolution understand that all markets have multiple sides - you just have to look deeper. Urban renewal expert David Barrie, for example, explains how real estate displays the same multi-sided logic, just on a deeper level. The next industrial revolution will require deep multi-sided business models that address the cooperative networks behind any product or service in order to provide the same products, but in a way that stimulates and captures all network externalities as nutrients: value nutrients, technical nutrients and biological nutrients.
Players in the next industrial revolution understand that all markets have multiple sides. The next industrial revolution will require deep multi-sided business models that address the cooperative networks behind any product or service in order to provide the same products, but in a way that stimulates and captures all network externalities as nutrients: value nutrients, technical nutrients and biological nutrients.