I am often asked for a good introductory book on philosophy. I am overjoyed when people ask me this question, and would be even more overjoyed if I had a great answer. You see, beginning to study philosophy presents a bit of a catch-22. A healthy sense of all that one does not know and a passionate desire to know all nonetheless (what many classical philosophers meant when they used the term eros) is required to read the essential philosophical texts from the likes of Plato and Nietzsche without being intimidated by their language. Only this philosophical eros - what can be defined as an unquenchable desire for knowledge of the whole - can sustain you while reading difficult and long works of philosophy. On the other hand, one develops eros in this classical sense by reading great texts of philosophical thought. So beginning one's study of philosophy without burning out quickly is a catch-22.
That is why I recommend Allan Bloom's Closing of the American Mind as a fantastic introductory text. With Bloom's Closing of the American Mind, we are given the opportunity to enter a life of passionate learning. Some who read this book are already living such a life, while many purchase this popular book unsuspecting of the invitation to a life of wonder that awaites them. Bloom integrates an appeal to intellectual eros in the reader with a subsequent history of philosophical thought to begin satisfying that eros. In fact, these two steps form the first part, followed by the second and third parts, of The Closing of the American Mind.
The Closing of the American Mind is thus fairly accessible at first, and grows increasingly difficult as it progresses in Parts Two and Three. The history of philosophical thought can be intimidating, and is made more so by many teachers who, intentionally or not, are driven more by political than pedagogical concerns. But Bloom, who dedicates Closing "To My Students", is a discipler of minds who seduces us at first with a thorough and accessible presentation of the vague sense of superficiality and unfulfillment experienced by most readers. If at the end of Part One you feel truly known, if this is possible with a text, you then have the opportunity with the slightly uphill turn taken in Part Two to know, or, at least to know all that you don't know.
The dissatisfaction and malaise of modern life, Bloom asserts, can ultimately be traced back to movements in Western philosophy. Bloom guides readers in Part One through the damaging spiritual effects of contemporary music, books and relationships (e.g "The eroticism of our students is lame", p. 132), and then covers the same ground in Part Two, but on the level of the ideas that animate contemporary American life. Liberty and equality, Bloom writes, are the foundational assumptions of American life. These are philosophical ideas. As they have developed over centuries of Western philosophy, most intensely in Germany in the 19th century, they became increasingly problematic. Part Two of Bloom's book, entitled Nihilism, American Style, traces this development of Western thought ultimately through Germany and to America. Just as Enlightenment theology was breaking down in 19th century Germany as I explain in a previous post - Postmodern Christianity Came and Went...150 Years Ago - so too were the ideas that shaped all aspects of Western life. If we don't know where we have come from (and we have come from 19th century German thought), we are seeing events in the Western world on a very surface level.
Bloom argues, as one of his students wrote, that "philosophy [is] about the life and death issues that matter most" (Thomas West, Claremont Review, 6/1/00). The most commanding summary of the history of Western thought that I have come across lies in the 70-page section, entitled From Socrates' Apology to Heidegger's Rektoratsrede, that begins Part Three, the final section of the book. The history of Western thought forms the critical background to many attempts to understand the world in which we live. Why? Because ideas matter. Whether you seek to make sense of events around you in the area of Western education or of Western politics, religion, art, or any other domain in which people seek fulfillment, if you are searching without the guide of philosophy, read this book first.
Allan Bloom would not have identified himself as a Christian. Bloom's sense of love and wonder in response to the brilliance of the knowable world, however, is a central Christian sentiment that is missing in most Christians. It's not our fault. We are Western Christians. However, we have the opportunity to seek to understand how we got here. I would love to hear any thoughts and recollections, criticisms or praises, that people have about Bloom's helpful book.
(You can read an abbreviated version of this review at Amazon by clicking here. While you're there, vote for my book reviews. Thanks!)
I love your blog, Ken. I regret that I only discovered you today!
Another good source for the beginner in trying to make sense of 2,500+ years of Western philosophy (at least up until the mid-20th Century) is Will Durant's "The Story of Philosophy." The only drawback is he doesn't get past Dewey and Santayana but that's only because the prolific author didn't live long enough.
Durant, like Allan Bloom, is a deep lover of Plato. He identifies Baruch Spinoza as a great "furtherer" (my word) of Platonic thought. In fact, listen to what he says of Spinoza's "Ethics": "...in these brief 200 pages (the) man has written down his lifetime's thought with stoic sculptory of everything superfluous. Do not think to find its core by running over it rapidly...Read the book not all at once, but in small portions at many sittings. And having finished it, consider that you have but begun to understand it. ... Finally, read the Ethics again; it will be a new book to you. When you have finished it a second time you will remain forever a lover of philosophy."
Posted by: Greg | September 15, 2004 at 06:47 PM
Oh, one more thing!
In Allan Bloom's preface to the second edition of his wonderful translation of "The Republic" he states:
"Finally, in terms of my own experience of these last 25 years, after The Republic I translated Rousseau's Emile, the greatest modern book on education. Rousseau was one of the great readers of Plato [as was Nietzsche, my interjection], and from my time on that work I gained an even greater respect for The Republic. Emile is its natural companion ... If one takes these two books together, one has the basic training necessary for the educational wars. And wars they are, now that doctrine tells us that these two books are cornerstones of an outlived canon."
Personally I thought of Plato and Rousseau as strange bedfellows. What do you think (about "Emile" being the natural companion to "The Republic")?
Posted by: Greg | September 15, 2004 at 07:01 PM
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Posted by: nopNeexusNose | December 06, 2011 at 04:00 AM
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Posted by: Appapydralott | January 06, 2012 at 03:12 AM
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Posted by: nestRonecon | January 12, 2012 at 04:09 AM